Dear Moderator.

Welcome to my blog.
My research and planning begins in September 2012.
My evaluation begins in March 2013.
A copy of my complete magazine is featured below.
Thanks, Harriet Connell.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Research and Planning - Completed College Magazine Cover

This is my completed college magazine cover. For this I had to use various photo-shop techniques which included cropping pictures, adding text and inserting a masthead. The first thing I did for this task was discover what font I thought best appropriate for the college magazine's target audience. The one I chose is called '28 Days Later' and I think this was a well suited one as it makes the name stand out. Secondly I saved the photo I had taken of my friend (which is a medium close-up) and put it into photo-shop so I could edit it. Once the picture had been added into photo-shop I began editing the picture by using the lasso tool around the edges of her, once I had done so I dragged the selected section of the photo and overlapped it onto my cover. Having done so I edited the photo size and placed it where I wanted on the page. When I had completed all these various tasks I added insert text cover-lines too one side, edited the colours and then saved the file as a JPEG.

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