Dear Moderator.

Welcome to my blog.
My research and planning begins in September 2012.
My evaluation begins in March 2013.
A copy of my complete magazine is featured below.
Thanks, Harriet Connell.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Research and Planning - InDesign Film Review Tutorial

This is my Hunger Games film review which I copied and pasted off the website 'Empire'. I did this piece so I could begin practicing using InDesign. I opened InDesign and went to layout, after selecting layout on the bar along the top of the page I went to 'create guides' and chose the settings in which I wanted the guidelines to be. After doing this I selected 'place' and opened the saved word document, this imported the text into InDesign. Upon doing this I Google searched 'The Hunger Games', copied a picture and placed it on the desktop. I followed the same steps of importing the picture, then to edit the picture where I wanted it to go I chose object, fitting and then fit content to frame, this meant I could move the picture exactly where I wanted it to go without cutting some of the picture off. Once I had done so, I added a title by using the text box and then customizing it by changing the font, colour and size. To finish it off I drew a rectangle, changed the colour of the rectangle to yellow and then moved it to the back.

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