Dear Moderator.

Welcome to my blog.
My research and planning begins in September 2012.
My evaluation begins in March 2013.
A copy of my complete magazine is featured below.
Thanks, Harriet Connell.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research and Planning - Equipment and Software List

The equipment I shall be using for my music magazine will include;

SLR Camera - this shall be used to take a high quality photo of the model.
Model - to be used on my front cover for the main photo and also on the article.
InDesign (Apple app) - I shall use this to create the double page spread article inside the magazine.
Photoshop (Apple app) - I shall use this tool to create the background of the front page and put my model onto it.
Printer - for the finished product. - I shall use this website to determine a masthead font.
Apple Mac computer - I shall use this to create all my work on.

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