Dear Moderator.

Welcome to my blog.
My research and planning begins in September 2012.
My evaluation begins in March 2013.
A copy of my complete magazine is featured below.
Thanks, Harriet Connell.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research and Planning - Audience Questions and Video

I have prepared a questionnaire of 5 questions in which I shall ask people in my class and record their answers using a high quality camera. Their answers and my evaluations of them are as follows -

Question 1 - What do you think of the colour scheme?
I got a fairly positive review from this question, my audience said that the colours are interesting, work well together and will stand out, this has made me decide I shall definitely be using black, white and gold.

Question 2 - Do you think the layout is appropriate?
 I also got a positive mix of answers for this, as my audience said it was clear, organised and easy to read, I shall most likely keep my front cover and contents pages the same, but may change my double page spread slightly.

Question 3 - Do you think the amount of pictures on the double page spread is appropriate?
I got mixed answers for this one, two of the people said they thought it needed perhaps one more but one said it was enough as the double page spread is more focused on text as opposed to the layout.

Question 4 - What coverlines should I put on my front cover and contents page?
The people I interviewed suggested things such as information about new songs, articles about fashion and make-up, information about different celebrities and artists. This has given me some good ideas to add.

Question 5 - Do you like the name exclusive?
My results for this question were positive opinions, they said it they liked it because it was interesting, worked with this genre well and is different from other magazines.

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